Monday 4 May 2009

The Knack

So there we are in the bathroom, crazypixie and I. She's just finished her business and we've said 'bye-bye poo-poo', counted to three and flushed and then she does it......
my 14 month old bends down to peer under the toilet. Presumably (because mummy always presumes genius) to see where the poo-poo is going and I'm reminded of a clip himself (the engineer) sent me by email when we were newly pregnant with her, titled 'It could happen to us'.


artyfeminist said...

very funny Jen! But my real question is potty training already or is it cloth diapers?

jen said...


dm said...

Hilarious! I guess I will have many stories like this very soon...
Crazypixie name is beautiful!

Irish Mammy said...

So funny!! I caught my guy cleaning my toothbrush in the toilet. Nice.