Friday 5 June 2009

What’s with the lemons?

Yesterday evening I was sitting back giving my poor pregnancy weary body a rest when himself poked his head in from the kitchen (yes, the wonderful man was doing the wash-up).
‘What’s with all the lemons?’
‘Lemons?’ I was confused.
Apparently I had ordered a bag of lemons with my online shopping and then bought more at the farmers market. So what was with all the lemons?
I had no idea.
I mean I remember buying them, kind of. But I have no idea what I was going to do with them.
We put it down to crazy pregnancy brain (what am I going to do when I can’t use that excuse anymore?) and laughed it off.
Then today, when my mum called over I gave her the lemons as we’ve a big family gathering on Monday and I thought they might come in useful for the ole G&T’s. So she put them in her bag.
No problems so far.
Then she went to leave and for some reason, I needed a lemon, so she agreed to leave one with me.
I then sat down and spent the next half hour smelling the lemon (I kid you not).
By now himself was home and tactfully ignoring my lemon sniffing.
But he began to get worried when I grabbed my phone, rang mum and asked for the rest of the lemons back! Not to mention half an hour later when he found me in tears because I couldn’t find my lemon.
So I’ve been drinking a kind of homemade lemon drink for the evening and we seem to have silently agreed not mention the insanity of my latest obsession.
Could this be some bizarre indication that labour is imminent or am I losing the plot altogether? Or maybe a little from column A and a little from column B?


artyfeminist said...

That is hysterical! I am so dying for a ice cool lemonade right now. Maybe you were planning for crazypixie to set up her own lemonade stand while you were in the hospital? I mean there is preparing her for the new arrival and then there is shoving her out on the street!

mammydiaries said...

Lovely, I'm thinking labour may be imminent, looking forward to playdates for anna and the tiny spud:)

Irish Mammy said...

Well, whatever rocks your boat!! The emotional attachment to the lemon though might need to be investigated further ;-)

Claire said...

Haha that is so funny and so weird! Sounds like pre-labour behaviour to me...will be keeping my eye out for updates!

jen said...

Well, still here, babs obviously quite happy. Just losing the plot or developing a lemon fetish (there must be a website)!

Maternal Tales said...

Hi there - Thanks for popping by mine - ooh how exciting - you're just about to drop!!!! And even more strangely - I also had a lemon fetish whilst pregnant - It was Lemon fanta I think - couldn't get enough of it!! Good luck with the next few weeks and here's to a painless labour!!! x